The Moon Barrier
The Frontier Of Life In Space
Were Plato and Aristotle right about life?
In the vast expanse of space, beyond the Earth's atmosphere and the orbit of the Moon, lies an enigmatic barrier. A barrier that has been a subject of philosophical debate for thousands of years. Philosophers Plato and Aristotle believed that life beyond the Moon was impossible, as they saw it as a boundary between the realm of life and the realm of permanence.
Today, humans dream of flying off into space to explore the universe. Popular culture, from Star Trek to modern space exploration initiatives, has ingrained the idea that we can travel freely through the cosmos, as if we are fundamentally independent of our solar system. But what if Plato and Aristotle were right?
If life is bound to a region around the Sun, the implications would be staggering. Humanity might be unable to travel to distant stars or galaxies. Instead of attempting to escape Earth, we might need to focus our efforts on protecting our planet and the Sun itself as the very source of life. This realization could fundamentally reshape our understanding of our place in the universe and our responsibilities as inhabitants of Earth.
Can humans travel beyond the Moon and reach the stars? Is it possible for Earth's organic life to exist on Mars?
Let's explore this question using philosophy, a discipline that has long grappled with humanity's deepest questions about existence and our place in the cosmos.
About The Author
The author, founder of 🦋 and 🔭, began his philosophical journey around 2006 through the Dutch critical blog His initial focus was an investigation into what he categorized as the
free will abolishment movement
. This early work laid the foundation for a broader exploration of philosophical issues related to eugenics, science, morality, and the nature of life itself.
In 2021, the author developed a groundbreaking new theory about the source of life. This theory proposes that the source of life cannot be contained within either ¹) the bodily individual or ²) externality and must reside in a context Other than what existed
(beginning-less infinity). This insight emerged from an interaction with renowned philosophy professor Daniel C. Dennett in an online forum discussion titled Consciousness without a brain
That is not in any way a theory about consciousness. ... It's as if you are trying to tell me that the introduction of a new sprocket in a car line's engine is important to city planning and traffic control.Author:
It can be stated that what has preceded the senses has preceded the human. Therefore one is required to look outside the scope of the bodily individual for the origin of consciousness.
This philosophical breakthrough led the author to a simple question:
How far away from Earth has life traveled in space?
To the author's astonishment, he discovered that no form of Earth life, including animals, plants, or microbes, has ever been scientifically tested or sent beyond the Moon. This revelation was shocking, given the major investments into space travel and plans to send humans to Mars. How could science have neglected to test whether life can survive farther from the Sun?
Why didn't science test whether life can travel beyond the Moon?
The mystery deepened when the author discovered that Greek philosophers Plato and Aristotle had predicted that life is restricted to a sublunary sphere
below the Moon. Their theory suggests the possibility that life may not be able to exist in the superlunary sphere
beyond the Moon.
Could Plato and Aristotle have been onto something? The fact that this question cannot be dismissed even in 2024 is remarkable.
A Key Part of The History of Science
The theory of Plato and Aristotle has played a pivotal role in the history of science. The scientific revolution, in many ways, was a revolt against the idea that life cannot exist beyond the Moon. This concept lay at the foundation of the transition from Aristotelian physics to modern scientific theories.
Francis Bacon, a key figure in the scientific revolution, rejected the Aristotelian distinction between the sublunary and superlunary spheres. Philosopher Giordano Bruno also sought to discredit the division between sublunary and superlunary regions. The distinction between these spheres was further challenged by the development of new scientific theories and discoveries, such as the work of Chen Ning Yang and Robert Mills.
The persistence of Plato and Aristotle's theory throughout scientific history underscores its significance. It raises the question: why hasn't modern science tested whether life can travel beyond the Moon, especially now that we have the technological capability to do so?
Exile For Questioning Beliefs
Throughout history, philosophers and scientists such as Socrates, Anaxagoras, Aristotle, Hypatia, Giordano Bruno, Baruch Spinoza, and Albert Einstein have faced exile for their unwavering loyalty to truth and their pursuit of knowledge that challenged prevailing beliefs and norms, with some, like Anaxagoras, being exiled for asserting that the Moon was a rock, and others, like Socrates, being sentenced to death for questioning the established religious and social order.
Philosopher Giordano Bruno was burned at the stake for questioning the Sublunary theory of Plato and Aristotle.
Virgil (Aeneid, VI.724–727) had described the super- and sublunary regions as animated from within by spiritus, which Giordano Bruno identified in this context with the Universal Soul, and added that they were moved by a Mind diffused throughout their vast mass.
Giordano Bruno was a Renaissance philosopher who questioned the dominant Aristotelian view and proposed an elemental theory that contradicted the Sublunary theory of Aristotle. The Roman Inquisition burned him at the stake for his unorthodox beliefs.
18th century woodcut depicting Bruno's dreams beyond the classical universe.
The author of 🦋 has experienced modern forms of exile for questioning sensitive topics. He has been banned often, for example for discussing plant sentience or for criticizing the Big Bang theory. These banishments have even extended to his business and private life, including a mysterious WordPress plugin ban and the Moss Ball ban story.
For Questioning the Big Bang Theory
Banned for Questioning the Big Bang Theory
In June 2021, the author was banned on for questioning the Big Bang theory. The post discussed recently discovered papers by Albert Einstein that challenged the theory.
Mysteriously lost papers by Albert Einstein that he submitted to the Prussian Academy of Sciences in Berlin were found in Jerusalem in 2013...
(2023) Getting Einstein to SayI Was WrongSource:
The post, which discussed the growing perception among some scientists that the Big Bang theory has taken on religious-like status, had garnered several thoughtful responses. However, it was abruptly deleted rather than simply closed, as is the usual practice on This unusual action raised questions about the motivations behind its removal.
The moderator's own statement, This thread has run its course. Thank you to those who contributed. Closing now
, paradoxically announced a closure while actually deleting the entire thread. When the author later communicated a polite disagreement with this deletion, the response was even more severe - their entire account was banned and all previous posts were erased, suggesting a concerning intolerance for scientific debate on the platform.
Well-known science writer Eric J. Lerner wrote an article in 2022 in which he said:
“It has become almost impossible to publish papers critical of the Big Bang in any astronomical journals.”
(2022) The Big Bang didn't happen Source: The Institute of Art and Ideas
Academics are barred from doing certain research, which includes criticizing the Big Bang theory.
If life is bound to a region around the 🌞 Sun, humanity's understanding of nature, reality, and space travel would be fundamentally flawed. This realization calls for new philosophical thinking to guide humanity on a path forward for progress and survival. Instead of attempting to escape the Earth, humanity might better invest in protecting the Earth and potentially also the Sun as the source of life.
Why, after all these decades, has science neglected to test if life can travel beyond the Moon? What if Plato and Aristotle were right - and the Moon marks a barrier that life cannot cross?
Update 2024
Since 2021, three years ago as of this update, this article was prominently promoted in over 99 languages on, a website for clean mobility, that was visited by people from over 200 countries per week on average. The website was visited from literally all countries in the world within one year after launch.
The article was prominently promoted in the header of the website and was visible for all visitors. The website evidently has had some reach.
Strangely, nothing changed.
GPT-4 in 2024:
no form of Earth life, including animals, plants, or microbes, has been scientifically tested or sent beyond the Moon.
In December 2023, Iran sent a special capsule with unknown animals into space. Will Iran be the first to do the scientific test?
(2023) Iran has sent a capsule carrying animals into space Source: Al JazeeraWhy, after all these decades, has science neglected to test if life can travel beyond the 🌑 Moon?
Cosmic Philosophy
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